This is it: after four years of work, two exhilarating games and one win, the Socceroos’ future in the World Cup comes down to their performance against Denmark on Thursday morning (2am Sydney time).
If you plan to wake up in the middle of the night to cheer on our stars from the comfort of your bed, SBS is your best bet.
Mitchell Duke celebrates with Jackson Irvine after scoring against Tunisia.Credit:AP
But if you’re feeling a little more adventurous – or patriotic – there are plenty of pubs and clubs across the city taking advantage of the state’s relaxed licensing rules: venues will be allowed to stay open until 5am on Thursday morning if they’re broadcasting the match.
The Marlborough Hotel, Newtown
The Marly’s live viewing area is showing every game this World Cup.
Soccer fans watch the Australia vs Holland World Cup match in the Sports Bar, at the Star in Pyrmont, Sydney.Credit:Janie Barrett
24/7 Sports Bar, The Star, Pyrmont
The big screens will be home to many fans as the game unfolds in the wee hours of the morning.
The giant screen at the Parramatta icon will be switched on for the big game.
Fans watch the World Cup match between France and Australia at the Coogee Bay Hotel.Credit:Brook Mitchell
Coogee Bay Hotel, Coogee
There are two options for you at this iconic hotel: Selina’s nightclub or the adjacent beer garden. Both will show the game.
The Henson, Marrickville
Magic’s is showing the game at its sports bar.
Sterlo’s Sports Bar, Parramatta
It’s part of the Parramatta Leagues venue, but diehard soccer fans will still be welcomed at the sports bar with food and drinks served until 5am. If you live in Parramatta don’t forget to become a member.
Of course, you can follow the Herald’s blow-by-blow coverage online – or pretend you watched the match by catching up on everything you need to know once you wake up.