The ‘unbreakable’ superpower and big punt behind crazy Aussie NBA ‘Cinderella story’

The ‘unbreakable’ superpower and big punt behind crazy Aussie NBA ‘Cinderella story’

Jock Landale still remembers every part of the year he spent “slugging it out” in the mountains. From the backcountry runs and hikes to early mornings spent cutting up firewood, just so his unit could have showers.

“The simplest way to put it,” he told, “is it turned me from a kid into a man.”

Timbertop, Geelong Grammar’s outdoor school, is seen nestling beneath the wooded slopes of Mount Timbertop in this view from the air by photographer Neil Town, who flew to the school in 1965.Source: Herald Sun

Of course, kids will still be kids and there was plenty of time for that too, from slingshot “wars” with the neighbouring units to nighttime firewood raids. But even then there was still a purpose to the fun and games.

Tue, 10 Jan

Tuesday January 10th

Prince Charles at Timbertop school in 1966.Source: News Limited

It’s what happens when you are told, at just 12 years old, that basketball isn’t for you. That your good is still not good enough.

It’s a message Landale kept hearing, even as a Saint Mary’s standout and West Coast Conference player of the year in the NCAA — that the leap to the NBA was still a step too far.

But there was another message, a more important one he was told at end of his time at Timbertop, that still stays with him to this day.

“I had a tutor, my head of unit back then, who said a lot of past students come back to Timbertop and say it was the best year of their life,” Landale explained.

“And I’ll never forget what he said. He said, ‘If by the time you get to their age, you get to 40 or 50 and you’re coming back with your kids and Timbertop is still the best year of your life and the most accomplished year of your life, you’re not living’.

“I kind of took that on board still to this day, to make sure that I live a life better than that one year and it’s hard to beat because it was one of my most enjoyable years of my life.”

Now Landale, who Suns coach Monty Williams described as a “breath of fresh air” in an interview with AAP, has seemingly found his home at Phoenix.

While minutes in the team has not always been consistent, Landale is just one injury away from a prominent role as the Suns’ best backup big behind Deandre Ayton.

Should Devin Booker’s return from injury come quickly enough, Phoenix still has the talent to overcome its recent losing run and make some noise in the wide-open Western Conference.

Jock Landale is thriving in Phoenix. Christian Petersen/Getty Images/AFPSource: Getty Images

It has been far from a conventional path for Landale, with stopovers in Europe, the NBL and San Antonio and as many ups and downs as the mountains surrounding Timbertop.

But speak to anyone close to Landale and they will all tell you the same thing, that for every representative or junior national team he missed out on, his self-belief never wavered.

All he needed was for someone else to believe in him too. He found that person when he was just eight years old.


Most of the country’s top prospects are identified at an early age, with skills that are later carefully crafted at Basketball Australia’s Centre of Excellence in Canberra.

There they have access to state-of-the-art facilities, elite coaching staff and, most importantly, a clear and tangible pathway to follow.

Landale didn’t have any of that. But he did have Simon Giovannoni.

Giovannoni still remembers when he first saw a then-eight-year-old Landale at a youth camp at the Malvern Tigers, the “blond, curly hair” and towering frame still fresh in his memory.

“The thing you noticed about him was he was tall for his age,” Giovannoni told

“He was just bigger than the other kids.”

Although it isn’t as if he thought Landale was destined for greatness at that point. Far from it actually.

Jock Landale had plenty of doubters. Christian Petersen/Getty Images/AFPSource: AFP

“If you told me then that he’d be playing in the NBA, you would have been shipped off to a lunatic asylum,” Giovannoni laughed.

“It’s like, ‘Forget it. Crazy’. His journey has been completely different.”

It’s why Landale is the way he is today, how he developed the unwavering self-belief that quickly became his superpower.

“I have had a support net around me but for the most part it’s been that internal drive that’s really pushed me to get to where I am,” Landale said.

“When I was 10 years old, a lot of these guys have got a little clique around them kind of spurring them on saying, ‘You are better than everyone else’. I didn’t have that. It was just me.

“I was just figuring it out myself and that’s why I’m my toughest critic. I often tune out on a lot of outside voices but I hold myself to a different standard than everyone else does and that just all comes from within.”

But ask Landale where exactly that internal drive comes from and he isn’t too sure, although he said it may have something to do with a farm in Deniliquin, a town in the Riverina region of New South Wales where river red gums meet sweeping outback plains.

“My dad was a farmer, my grandfather was a farmer and maybe it runs in our blood,” he said.

“You know, the job’s just kind of got to get done at some point and why not do it yourself? So because of that, there’s a fiery determination in every aspect of my life in that I just have to complete the task.”

Jock Landale has come a long way. Christian Petersen/Getty Images/AFPSource: AFP

For two years though, having been told a future in basketball wasn’t for him, Landale gave the game up. Either way, it was already going to be hard enough to continue playing once he was sent to Geelong Grammar, a boarding school that didn’t have a basketball team.

What it did have though was Timbertop and everything changed once Landale got back home from his time in the Victorian backcountry.

“It was certainly transformative,” Giovannoni, who had since left Melbourne to work in Canberra at the Australian Institute of Sport, said.

“When I came back to Melbourne from having that stint up there, he started to ask me for workouts…. when that starts to happen with a kid, you kind of go, ‘s*** this is different’. “He’s actually seeking someone out to help him, which is the first step. It’s so important.”

The next step was to start actually getting some more playing time on the court, building a portfolio of sorts having already spent two years away from the game.

It started with his junior team, the Geelong Supercats, and then with being invited to play for the Under 18 Victoria Country men’s team at the Australian Junior Championships.

Jock Landale was selected for the Australian Under 19 Emus tour of China.Source: News Limited

Then came an opportunity to try out for Australia’s Under 19 team in 2013 ahead of its tour of China and while he ended up being cut from the squad, people were starting to take notice.

After all, as Giovannoni put it: “You can’t teach someone to be seven foot”.

“Like Jesus Christ he’s f***ing enormous,” he added.

But it wasn’t just that either. Landale was more just than a tall frame by then.

“He’s a big man and he can move and he can finish around the rim and rebound and shoot it,” Giovannoni said.

“All of a sudden, he’s got this package and people start to go, ‘s***. He’s actually pretty good’.”

Growing up, Landale didn’t have what are traditionally seen as key ingredients to becoming a successful basketball player. But the journey to where he is now has been anything but traditional and if there is one thing he did have it was time.

Time to develop at his own pace, with a coach who understood exactly what he was working with.

From Frankston Blues to the Sandringham Sabres, Simon Giovannoni has had many roles in the basketball world but his one with Landale remained a constant. Picture: Derrick den HollanderSource: News Corp Australia

“Everyone wants a long athlete that can handle the ball and shoot it, like a prototypical NBA wing,” Giovannoni said.

“Everyone salivates over it. I think that is the way the development pathway here has gone a little bit. I can’t speak to it but my impression is coaching big kids and actually having the time and patience to coach them has become a bit of a lost art.

“You spend time with them and the payoff is what we see with Jock. He was clumsy as s*** when he was a kid. Big, dopey, uncoordinated – all that kind of stuff. But the payoff in the end was enormous.”

You don’t have to tell that to Saint Mary’s head coach Randy Bennett. He, with the help of the program’s first Australian player Adam Caporn, recruited Landale ahead of the 2014-15 season.

Jock Landale is a legend at Saint Mary’s. Gene Sweeney Jr./Getty Images/AFPSource: Getty Images

Caporn had spotted Landale at the Bogut Basketball Academy and saw enough to believe he could be the latest addition to the Australian recruiting pipeline that served the Gaels so well over the years.

But unlike Matthew Dellavedova and Patty Mills, two of the program’s more high-profile Australian additions, there wasn’t a lot for them to go off.

That is, outside of an exhibition game Landale had strategically set up back in Australia with a few under-sized mates — and in this instance, under-sized is an understatement.

“That’s what they recruited me off,” Landale said on Andrew Bogut’s ‘Rogue Bogues Podcast’ last year.

“As the story goes, Capes called back to coach Bennett and was like, ‘Hey, I’ve just seen him play and he looks like f***ing LeBron James but he’s also playing against a bunch of five-foot kids and he’s 6’11 and that’s kind of all I’ve got to go off’.”

It was enough.

Within a week Landale was on a plane to Saint Mary’s and after just the one workout, he had a scholarship in hand.

“There was no proof at all,” former Saint Mary’s associate head coach Marty Clarke told

“We recruited Jock because we missed another guy. Coach Bennett was like, ‘I think this guy has a chance to be good, there’s no proof behind that’ but coach Bennett trusts his assistants and trusts people around him and said, ‘Let’s take a bit of a punt on him’.”

That punt ended up delivering Saint Mary’s a standout big who, by his senior year, had transformed into arguably the best centre in college basketball.


When Landale first arrived at Saint Mary’s though, everything was new. Not just the playbook or teammates — literally everything, which makes his rise even more remarkable.

“Jock was very different because most guys who play the game play it intensely in a day-to-day situation from a young age,” Clarke said.

“When Jock came to us at Saint Mary’s he had played basketball but he hadn’t played much of it at a high level.”

It wasn’t just learning how to play at a high level either. Even the little things, like turning up early for morning practice, weren’t the force of habit for Landale that they were for others.

“You get to an elite environment and the good players are already there on the court for an hour,” Clarke said.

“That’s where Jock didn’t have any idea about any of that sort of stuff.”

Landale in action for the Gaels. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

It isn’t that he didn’t care or didn’t want to put in the work. After all, Landale had already been putting in the extra hours just to be in this position itself. It just wasn’t something he was used to.

“When you’re in those selective camps, they often push guidelines upon you of what the correct way of doing things are and of what they recommend on a day-to-day basis and I didn’t have that,” Landale said.

“I was left on my own account to figure it out for myself.”

Figure it out he did, and quickly too, developing habits that soon became second-nature.

“He’s a quick learner and he quickly figured out the good guys are in here way earlier before me,” Clarke said.

So, he would start showing up a bit earlier, and then much earlier. Not having that early exposure to structured development programs wasn’t necessarily a bad thing either.

It meant Landale didn’t have any “bad habits”, as Clarke puts it. In other words, he was teachable.

“He was a blank canvas and he was a sponge,” added Giovannoni, “he soaked it all up.”

But in order to realise his full potential, Landale went back home in the summer of his freshman year to link up Giovannoni once again. What followed was a brutal six-week boot camp of early mornings and late nights.

“We smashed the s*** out of him really,” Giovannoni said.

Landale put in the work when he got to Saint Mary’s. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

It was needed too. Landale had 21 appearances in his freshman year at Saint Mary’s but struggled for playing time, averaging just five minutes for 2.1 points and 0.9 rebounds.

Even in his sophomore campaign, despite playing all 35 games during the season, Landale still averaged 14.5 minutes. He flashed his potential in a career-high 24-point performance against Pacific but simply staying on the court was proving a challenge.

“His sophomore year I was over there for a period towards Christmas and he was super, super frustrated because he wasn’t getting opportunities,” Giovannoni said.

“I remember Marty [Clarke] kept telling him that when he was on the floor and if you looked at the numbers and just his production for the time he was on the floor, it was actually really good.

“The problem was he couldn’t stay on the floor for long periods of time because he was out of shape. He just wasn’t in elite playing shape.”

That quickly changed over the summer, although that is the American summer we’re talking about. Back home in Australia it was winter. “Freezing”, as Giovannoni put it.

“It was three or four times a week and we just went at it,” he added.

“It was early mornings, late nights. It was pretty full-on. We just went at it pretty hard. Just the backcourts in MSAC in Melbourne in the middle of winter.”

Landale developed plenty of good habits. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

That was not all either, with Landale also enlisting the help of martial arts instructor Bryce Birtwhistle and Bohdan Babijczuk, one of Australia’s most highly-respected fitness coaches.

Landale returned to Saint Mary’s fitter than ever before and ready to take on a bigger role. Coincidentally, the Gaels’ starting big man Dane Pineau was battling back soreness in the pre-season, opening up an opportunity for Landale to earn a spot in the starting line-up.

“The transformation of his body was the most noticeable, it’s the first thing people noticed,” said Clarke.

It translated onto the court too as Landale opened the season with a career-high 33 points on 15-of-20 shooting, going on to start all 34 games in his junior campaign.

By the time the NCAA Tournament opener against Virginia Commonwealth University came around, Landale was now capable of playing for a career-high 40 minutes.

“He had a few breakout games, he tore it apart,” Giovannoni said.

“That was like a signal that he had arrived, that he was on the radar all of a sudden.”

Landale would go on to finish his senior year with 731 points, passing Omar Samhan’s record (724 in 2009-10) for the most points in a single season in program history.

By the end of the season, the once unknown Australian Bennett had taken a “punt” on was a top-five finalist for the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Award, which honours the country’s top centre.

And according to Samhan, the former Saint Mary’s star who had his single-season points record broken by Landale, there has been no better centre in the program’s history.

“He’s legendary,” Samhan told

“When he was there he was in the mix as one of the best bigs we’ve ever had. I think with what he’s done since it’s kind of a unanimous decision now. Jock Landale is the best big to ever play at Saint Mary’s.”

Landale quickly developed into a machine. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

Landale went on to average 21.1 points and 10.2 rebounds while shooting 64 per cent from the field in his senior year, putting himself in the frame to be drafted into the NBA.

But still, the expectation at that point was that he would likely go undrafted and even back home in Australia, Samhan still felt Landale wasn’t getting the respect he deserved.

“I remember even when he was playing well, I was on the Crocs in Townsville and had a bunch of teammates who grew up playing him or knew who he was,” Samhan said.

“I was telling them, ‘This guy is going to be in the NBA’ and they would laugh at me.”

No one is laughing anymore. Now, Jock Landale is an NBA player, but it was not that simple. It never has been.


Even after his dominant senior year in college Landale was hardly a sure thing for the NBA, instead made to wait almost three years for his first minutes in the league.

“When he left St. Mary’s I really thought he was going to be an NBA player right away,” Clarke, his former associate head coach at St. Mary’s, said.

Instead, after going undrafted, Landale played in the Summer League with the Atlanta Hawks before joining with Serbian club Partizan in the ABA League.

Landale dunks against the Chicago Bulls during the 2018 Las Vegas Summer League. (Photo by Bart Young/NBAE via Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

Then it was back to the Summer League again, back to grinding it out all in the hope of that one big break, this time with the Mikwaukee Bucks.

There was one standout game, 25 points and 14 rebounds against Philadelphia and subsequent interest from multiple NBA teams, but Landale had already signed to play with Žalgiris Kaunas in Lithuania.

So he ended up back in Europe, although in the long run Samhan believes the nomadic nature of Landale’s journey actually gave him an advantage over the rest of the competition.

“Part of what makes him great is he has learned the game from Australia and from Europe,” Samhan said.

“His untraditional route has actually helped because now he can fit a role. This just gives him more leverage to play because he knows the game in and out from all over the world.”

There were still several NBA clubs tracking Landale’s progress when he decided his next step was to head home, back to Australia and Melbourne United in the NBL.

Jock Landale celebrates a basket for United. (Photo by Martin Keep/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

It was a triumphant return for the Melbourne native, one that ended with him averaging 16.4 points, 7.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists and 1.4 blocks per game and United being crowned champions.

Just over a week later, having been named the 2021 NBL Grand Final MVP, Landale was then signed in free agency on a two-year deal with the San Antonio Spurs. Opportunities were limited though and it wasn’t exactly a winning environment either, with San Antonio finishing the season 10th in the Western Conference and with a 34-48 record.

But it was something Landale was used to, something his unconventional path had prepared him for and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I gained a lot out of it,” he said.

“It’s really taught me to embrace each city and each culture that I’m in and trying to enjoy the year that I have here.

Landale appreciated both the ups and downs of his career. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

“I’ve done my rounds around the world, seen all kinds of styles of basketball and that’s where there’s a confidence there that’s kind of unbreakable in that I’ve been through some dog days in Europe and started out on two teams that started out losing horrendously and we’re all kind of looking over our shoulders whether or not we are going to get fired because it’s our life out there.

“Then you come here and you’re on a winning team and for me it’s embracing that. Being part of a winning team is a hard thing to do in professional sports. I was lucky enough to do it in Melbourne but then I didn’t do it with San Antonio.

“Having an idea of how bad it could get and how good it can get, I think I have perspective on what leadership is meant to kind of be in place and a winning culture and a winning organisation.”

Too often written off, now a key role player on a contending team — it’s been quite the journey for Landale. But that journey is only just getting started.

“It’s ridiculous,” Samhan said.

“It’s like a Cinderella story.”

Except instead of a glass slipper, this fairytale will hopefully end with a gold ring.

Landale is loving life in Phoenix. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images


Giovannoni still remembers the letter Landale wrote him. “Maybe when he was 13 or 14,” the Australian’s long-time coach added.

In it, a young Landale wrote that he was not only going to play in the NBA, but also in the Olympics. Again, growing up Landale was never the most talented or most polished. The same remains true to this day.

But what he did and still has to this day is self-belief, a confidence Landale himself described as “unbreakable” after years spent toiling in obscurity.

For Giovannoni, Landale really found that confidence “to kick on” between his second and third year at Saint Mary’s.

Landale grew in confidence during his time at Saint Mary’s. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

“I think that was significant,” Giovannoni said.

“It was like, ‘Hey, I need to be respected, I need to be recognised for what I can do’. At that point he had the physical tools, in terms of the skill and basketball IQ and touch and feel.

“But if you want to be great, you’ve kind of got to separate yourself out of everything else and you’ve got to go on your own journey, which can be lonely sometimes.”

It got lonely at Timbertop too, away from family in the remote foothills of the Victorian bush. It, like the periods in Europe and the NBL, gave him time to grow — physically, mentally and emotionally. The result, Giovannoni said, was a “single-minded focus” that has already taken Landale further than anyone would have expected. With that comes a valuable lesson, one Giovannoni still passes on.

“When kids get cut from those elite pathways and development squads, I use him as an example,” Giovannoni said.

“I just say, ‘Look, everyone’s journey is going to be different. Not everyone’s on the same path’, and you actually have to buy into that a little bit.”

Not anymore though. Landale is living proof.

Landale’s story is motivating for others who don’t take a traditional route to the top. (AAP Image/Richard Wainwright)Source: AAP

“It’s incredible,” Samhan said.

“He just wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“He’s a freshman at Saint Mary’s, coach Bennett doesn’t even think he’s good enough to play and he ends up being the best big man we’ve ever had and ends up being an NBA player.”

Not just an NBA player but a fan favourite according to Suns beat writer Dana Scott.

“The fans love him,” Scott told in November.

“He’s a fan favourite already. I think that’s just part of the Phoenix Suns fans love to have an underdog.

“There is a clip that shown on the Valley Sports Arizona channel that’s a trailer into a conversation that was an interview with Jock about how he said he emailed over 500 messages to college teams looking to get recruited and he got no response.

“That rings the bell with Suns fans because they feel like underdog, they have not won a title, they were in the basement of the NBA for 10 years until they got to the Finals in 2021.”

Landale wants to win a ring in Phoenix. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

Now the Suns are backing contending again and while a string of losses has them falling down the Western Conference standings, there is still time to gear up for a playoff push.

And even if he has been the odd man out at times this season, an injury or two could quickly thrust Landale into a key role in their title push.

Title or no title, Landale (a restricted free agent in 2023) is hoping it won’t just be another temporary stop this time around. For him, this is the home he’s been searching for.

“I still feel like I have a long way to go in regards to this task that is the NBA, that is basketball, being complete,” Landale said.

“The people here are fantastic and we play a brand of basketball that’s rare in the NBA. We move the rock, everyone’s involved and you’ve got one through 15 bought in their entirety knowing that this is our year and we can win a championship if we all come together and get the job done.

“I’m pumped, I love it here, I love the city, me and my fiancée are obsessed with the city. We’d rather not leave for a long time. We have to keep on building and then hopefully we’ll walk out with the ring.”

If not, Landale can think back to that message he was given after his time at Timbertop, to make sure he lives a life “better” than that one year spent “slugging it out” in the mountains.

He’s already doing that.

“No one is walking around saying he’s not an NBA player anymore,” Samhan said.

No one is laughing either and if anyone was to tell him that Landale would be a starter or even an All-Star one day, Samhan’s response would be simple.

“I wouldn’t bet against him,” he said, “let’s just leave it at that.”