Taupau a Bronco after ‘really crazy 24 to 48 hours’

Taupau a Bronco after ‘really crazy 24 to 48 hours’
By Joel Gould

Marty Taupau admits his journey from unemployment to a Brisbane Broncos contract came after “a really, really crazy 24 to 48 hours”.

AAP has been told rugged prop Taupau was on the physio’s table getting a medical at Parramatta with a view to possibly signing there when the Broncos called his manager asking about his potential availability.

Marty Taupau training with the Samoan rugby league team ahead of last year’s World Cup.Credit:SMH

The next day, the 32-year-old Samoan international was on a plane north, where he toured the Broncos facilities and was blown away by the welcome he received.

After consulting his family, he signed a one-year deal with Brisbane after three months in limbo following his exit from Manly.

“With the Broncos coming to the table we had to weigh up everything. We weighed up every pro and con and we believed the Broncos was a great fit,” Taupau said at his first press conference in Brisbane colours.

“We have been welcomed with open arms and everything is professional, in great measure here. From players to staff – and from top to bottom – it has been an amazing experience.”

Taupau experienced the high of playing in the World Cup final for Samoa to coming home and facing the harsh reality of being without a deal.

Instead of despairing, he worked hard to get himself in shape with help from wife Michelle.

“I have to do anything it takes to look after my family,” Taupau said.


“I had to strap on the boots, give the whistle to my wife and she was my S and C (strength and conditioner). She definitely cracked the whip and it helped immensely.

“There is always going to be fear and there is always going to be doubt if you are unemployed, with the unknown and the uncertainty.

“We had a plan. You’ve just got to respond accordingly.

“Yeah, I was technically unemployed for three months. What do you do? You find a job and work hard at your trade. We are here now.”

Taupau has never taken a backward step in his confrontations with the Broncos, but already has an appreciation for the club that he will now be doing the enforcing for.

“I definitely understand it now and you can honestly feel it,” he said.

“It is funny. I was driving to work this morning and saying to my wife that it is a different feeling to look down and see the Broncos emblem.

“There is so much history behind it; you’ve got to carry on the legacy. I have that drive and passion to do my very best for this great club.”

Taupau will be a mentor for the younger props such as Payne Haas, Pat Carrigan and Thomas Flegler, and says he had already noted their willingness to learn and ask questions of him.

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