Wayne Carey will not face charges over an incident at Crown Perth where a packet of powdered substance fell out of his pocket and onto a gaming table.
In a statement released on Thursday, WA Police confirmed their investigation into the September 1 incident had been completed.
Wayne Carey.Credit:AAP
“This investigation has been finalised and no criminal charges have been preferred,” a spokeswoman said.
Crown security escorted Carey from the casino and later from his hotel room following the incident, but police were not called until after the incident made headlines.
Carey maintains the powdered substance was anti-inflammatory medicine he took for pain.
WA Police Commissioner Col Blanch previously told Radio 6PR an investigation would be limited due to Crown not immediately notifying police.
“If there was any suspicion by any person that there were drugs possessed or drugs obtained or in the possession of authorities down at Crown I would have expected a phone call to police to manage that matter, that is a police matter if it was in fact drugs, and I can’t make that conclusion because we don’t have the drugs in our possession, neither do Crown,” he said.
Blanch said detectives reviewed CCTV of the gaming floor and hotel as part of their investigation, but officers were on the “back foot from the beginning” due to the delay in being informed of the complaint.
Broadcaster Seven suspended Carey following the incident.
Following the incident Crown’s new boss said he hoped similar incidents would happen “far less frequently” following changes to incident response policies.
More to come.