Australian sport must raise Voice if it wants to stand on right side of history

Australian sport must raise Voice if it wants to stand on right side of history

Where does the world of Australian sport and the Voice intersect? It’s pretty straightforward.

As you know, the Voice is a very simple idea whereby, to quote former Liberal deputy leader Fred Chaney, “Aboriginal people just want to be consulted on matters that affect Aboriginal people”. That’s it. It is no more than a consultative body which, on sensitive Indigenous matters, the federal government can draw on for expertise.

Now, at this seminal moment for our country, should Australian sport – which at its best is about inclusion – weigh in and get behind it? Or should it, as Fox News host Laura Ingraham infamously suggested LeBron James do when he weighed into political matters, “shut up and dribble”?

I say the former and, happily, right now it looks like most of the powerbrokers of Australian sport agree. I say if the Voice gets up with the support of Australian sport, it will be able to look back with pride in decades to come on the fact that it was on the right side of history – the way Peter Norman was at the Mexico Olympics supporting the black athletes on the podium with their fists in the air; the way Australian rugby was in taking a stand against apartheid in South Africa in the ’60s, ‘70s and ’80s; the way all the sports lined up to sign the charter against homophobia in 2014, which was a stepping stone towards the marriage equality act passing in 2017.

October 16, 1968: Tommie Smith and John Carlos protest against racism in the United States. On the dais with them is Australian silver medallist Peter Norman, who was sidelined for his role in the protest.Credit: AP

Imagine the embarrassment if, as a sport or sports person, you had taken a stand against any or all of the above. Oh, the horror. But enough about Margaret Court’s views on gay marriage.

Recognising that, and how important the Voice passing could be, there is a big push as we speak for the major Australian sports – both through their umbrella organisations and through individual clubs, to come together and publicly support the Voice.

In AFL, Collingwood and the West Coast Eagles have already declared their support and will soon be joined by many others. I am reliably informed that most of the major sports – cricket, NRL, rugby union, AFL, soccer, netball, basketball and tennis – will soon announce their joint support for the ‘Yes’ vote. I have it on good authority that the NRL, will be particularly strident in its support, and good on them.

As part of this wide push, the AFL’s general manager of inclusion and social policy, Tanya Hosch – the first Indigenous person appointed to the AFL executive – sent a memo this week to club CEOs: “We invite and encourage you to advise us if your club will be taking a position to support the referendum yes campaign. As the AFL will be considering this in the coming weeks, your advice on this will be gratefully received.”


Pretty straightforward, yes?

It boiled down to, “Can you give us the info about whether you will be for or against the Voice, so we can make plans accordingly?” There were no threats, no hint of, “You better, or else!”

Just, tell us, please.

One media commentator, however, reported himself “shocked” at the memo. Steve Price began his remarks on Sky television by questioning why the AFL “requires such a person” in the first place.

I give up Steve, do you think it might be because after the disgrace of the mass booing and naked racism displayed against Adam Goodes a decade ago, the AFL – which profusely apologised in 2019 for not doing enough for Goodes – is trying to fulfil its pledge to clean its house? Do you think, when you look at the allegations made against Hawthorn that an Indigenous player’s partner was advised to have an abortion, that there remain huge systemic problems which must be addressed?

Steve Price.Credit: Tash Sorensen

Steve, my friend, do you think it might be that in the myriad issues faced by the AFL and many sporting organisations, it may be that we don’t have all the answers?

Commendably, the AFL – like many organisations – has realised that in dealing with extremely sensitive issues involving people of the First Nations, it makes sense to have someone of the First Nations advising policy on the grounds that they can both see issues that escape us and liaise much better with affected Indigenous people than we could ever hope to.

Am I getting warm? It is on precisely the same logic that the Voice is needed!

But Steve went on: “A senior executive has given AFL clubs until May 8, so a week away, to reveal before their Indigenous round if they will be ticking ‘Yes’ on a Voice question that’s still being debated for a referendum without a date that is dividing Australia like no other referendum has.”

Oh, the humanity!

Steve. Perhaps in your world this is hugely divisive and highly controversial. It is not in wider Australia, where there is a wide and wonderful movement afoot to back it, and a recent poll has it ahead in all states.

In fact, across our brown and pleasant land, from Darwin to the Derwent, from Penrith to Perth, there are only two major national institutions that have publicly aligned themselves with the “No” case, and they are the federal Liberal and National parties. The major churches and religious groups – including the oft-conservative Catholic Church and Islamic faith – have proselytised in favour of the Voice, as have major companies like BHP, Rio Tinto, Woolworths and myriad others. In a couple of months, you may well see the planes of at least one of our major airlines emblazoned with the word “YES”.

I personally know of several famously elite Sydney private schools – ones who you would not normally expect to take public stances on progressive positions – who will shortly declare for the Voice.

For none of them is this remotely controversial. It is simply – firstly, and most importantly – the right thing to do.

But, do go on Steve, as I interrupted you.

“I’m a member of an AFL club with 100,000 financial members … I contribute three of those 100,000 memberships. Is my club going to run a poll of its own financial members and sponsors at great expense to see if a majority of us want the club to push the ‘Yes’ case on the Voice?”

That will be for them to decide, Steve. Do let us know. Your club, Richmond, may well decide not to do it, which is its perfect right. It’ll look ever more ordinary of the club as the decades roll by, but, so be it. And yes, I accept there are decent people who will still vote no. But it is an important debate we are having as a nation, and there is every reason for sport to get involved, not stay out of it.

In sum, give it a rest, Steve. On the whole, Australian sport is not going to shut up and dribble. It is going to say what needs to be said. Not everyone will join in, and that’s fine – it’s their right.

But I believe that all who do will be as proud as the aforementioned, and those who don’t get it should get out of the way.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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