Why the ‘good bloke’ exemption for Tamou sets a bad precedent

Why the ‘good bloke’ exemption for Tamou sets a bad precedent

It happens.

And it happened to Wests Tigers captain James Tamou last weekend . . .

It’s really late. Late in your career, late in the season, late in a game in which your side is being belted as never before, as you’ve never been belted in nearly three decades of playing. The Roosters are on the edge of no less than a 72-6 victory, and about to declare their innings closed without even giving the Wests Tigers a chance at bat beyond the six sundries they’ve picked up from a lucky intercept. Then the whistle blows and the ref has made the call against your team, again!

Something cracks deep inside the fatigued, humiliated and angry Tamou and the 33-year-old barks something furious at referee Ben Cummins who, affronted, instantly raises 10 fingers and tells him, “You can go”.

All the fatigue, humiliation and anger is now compounded to the power of two. And it’s all happening so fast, with no time to hit pause, to reflect, to take a step back. Fourteen years of taking the ball up aggressively in the NRL, of being a professional purveyor of fire and fury, and he’s meant to step back, now? No. Just no. Not only is it late, it is too late to stop. Before he even knows it Tamou lets it all out, roaring at Cummins: “You are f—ing incompetent you are.”

On the spot, Cummins turns the sin bin into a send-off. At first, Tamou storms off a few steps, before turning back to give Cummins another go.

James Tamou had his charge downgraded at the NRL judiciary.Credit:NRL Photos

It is only back in the dressing room that the red veil lifts and Tamou realises the consequences. Snarling at a referee in that way is usually a two- or three-match suspension, and he has only two games left in the season, with no contract for next year.

Is this really the way his career is to end, not with a bang, not with a whimper, but with a snarl?


Perhaps, though, there is a way out of it . . .

In the dressing room, Tamou is likely well advised. In the press conference immediately afterwards, he could not be more contrite, laying it on with a trowel, apologising to everyone from Cummins, to his club, the fans, and citing how he felt ashamed to face his own children after what he had done. He even unveiled the oldest chestnut of the lot: “I’ve let everyone down,” he says emotionally. “I’ve let myself down.”


It was the perfect set-up for the second tier of the defence: playing the “good bloke” card, as in the second-greatest chestnut in such matters. The proof is incontrovertible: “It’s not his go”. Read: yes, he clearly did it, but that is just not him. It’s an abomination second. First, it’s an aberration, so focus on that.

Wests Tigers chair Lee Hagipantelis leads the charge: “He’s an incredible human being,” he tells the press, “one of most honourable men I’ve met in the game as a player.”

Phil Gould is also in full support, tweeting that while Tamou was in the wrong, in this case it is different: “NRL should suspend this penalty due to Tamou’s exemplary career, the fact this incident was totally out of character, there is no chance of reoffending, his immediate remorse and apology was sincere.”

Compelling, yes?

So compelling you’d almost go with it. After all, Tamou is a good bloke and has no record of snarling at referees. And it really would be such a pity, yes, to finish his career like that?

Of course. But there remained a very inconvenient truth, and it was Paul Gallen who expressed it best, writing of Tamou, for WWOS: “He’s a great person who unfortunately just snapped, but that doesn’t mean it goes unpunished because you can’t do what he did.”

Gallen was just warming up.

“You can’t just let someone off because they’re a good bloke and they’re at the end of their career. I feel really sorry for him, but as the saying goes, if you do the crime you’ve got to do the time. We’ve seen players miss grand finals through suspension, if we start introducing the ‘good bloke’ exemption . . .”

Too late.

On Tuesday night, the judiciary basically went with the “good bloke” exemption and gave Tamou a one-game suspension for publicly abusing a referee, meaning the Tigers skipper will be back for his final-round farewell match against the Raiders.

All well and good – unless of course Tamou plays a blinder, the Tigers win, and the Raiders miss out on the finals because of it. I would guess Canberra coach Ricky Stuart’s comments in that case might be a little on the intemperate side of things, yes?

And Stuart, when he is not angry, is a known good bloke, too. So in that case, would he get a good bloke exemption?

Look, all up, perhaps two tiers of judiciary are needed; one for the good blokes, and one for the dickheads? And if you’re going to have a good bloke exemption, you surely need a “dickhead loading” to balance things?

And then where would we be?

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